Class IFaceDataChannelsEnumCallBack

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class IFaceDataChannelsEnumCallBack

See Also: Class IDataChannel, Class IFaceDataChannel , Class IFaceDataMgr

class IFaceDataChannelsEnumCallBack


This class is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This is an interface class that will allow a callback procedure to execute for all face data channels of an object. You should derive your own classes from this interface and overwrite the Proc() method to call the desired IFaceDataChannel method. It is up to the derived class to interpret the context parameter passed to Proc().

Classes that hold face data channels can implement the method:

EnumFaceDataChannels(IFaceDataEnumCallBack& cb, void* pContext)

This method would be called with a reference to an instance of a class derived from IFaceDataEnumCallBack in which Proc() is overwritten. The implementation of EnumFaceDataChannels would call cb.Proc for each of the face-data channels of the object

Note: Do not delete data channels from within the Proc(). This could lead to unexpected behaviour.




virtual BOOL Proc(IFaceDataChannel* pChan, void* pContext) = 0;


The callback method that should be overridden.


IFaceDataChannel* pChan

A pointer to the face-data channel interface.

void* pContext

A pointer to the context data.

Return Value:

TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.