Class RadiosityInterface

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class RadiosityInterface

See Also: : Class RadiosityEffect

class RadiosityInterface : public FPStaticInterface


This class is only available in release 5 or later.

This class provides access to the Advanced Lighting dialog. It allows you to open and close the dialog, and get or set the currently active Advanced Lighting plug-in. This class is a function-published static interface; you can use GetCOREInterface() to obtain an instance of the class, as follows:

 RadiosityInterface r = static_cast<IRadiosityInterface*>(GetCOREInterface(RADIOSITY_INTERFACE))

This interface is also accessible via MAXScript as “SceneRadiosity”.

All methods of this class are implemented by the system.




virtual void OpenRadiosityPanel() = 0



Displays the Advanced Lighting dialog, unless it is already displayed.




virtual void CloseRadiosityPanel() = 0



Hides the Advanced Lighting dialog, if it is currently displayed.




virtual void MinimizeRadiosityPanel() = 0



Minimizes the Advanced Lighting dialog if it is open.




virtual RadiosityEffect* GetRadiosity () = 0


Return value:

Returns a pointer to the currently active Advanced Lighting plug-in (RadiosityEffect) if any.




virtual void SetRadiosity (RadiosityEffect* op) = 0



Sets the given Advanced Lighting plug-in (RadiosityEffect) as the active one in the UI. When switching Advanced Lighting types in the UI, a dialog sometimes appears, warning that the current lighting solution will be discarded; but this dialog is not displayed when using SetRadiosity(). It is also valid to pass NULL as a parameter, in which case no active lighting plug-in will be active.



RadiosityEffect* op

The RadiosityEffect instance to be made active, or NULL if no lighting plug-in should be active.