IExport::Export Method

Meta Data Services Programming

Meta Data Services Programming

IExport::Export Method

This method exports the marked objects into the file specified by the file name parameter.

COM Syntax

      BSTR XML,
      long Flags


XML [in]

The file name of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) document or XML string.

Flags [in]

Flag values that can be combined in a bitwise OR operation to control the way exported objects are handled in the output. The following table describes the flags.

Enumerator Value Description
NOOBJID 1 If this bit is set, no object identifiers (OBJID) are returned for the objects being exported.
NOHEADER 2 If this bit is set, the XML file does not include a transfer header.
INDENTATION 4 If this bit is set, the system indents the XML.
UNICODE 8 If this bit is set, the system output is Unicode.
EXPORTBASE 16 If this bit is set, the system exports only base properties and collections.

Return Value

S_OK indicates successful completion.

An error value indicates that the method failed to complete successfully. For more information, see XML Encoding Errors.

Automation Syntax

In Automation, the Export method has the following syntax:

   object.Export XMLFilename [,Flags]

The Export method syntax has the following parts.

Parameter Description
object An object declared as MSMDCXML.Export.
XMLFilename The XML file name declared as string.
Flags Flag values that can be combined in a bitwise OR operation to control the way exported objects are handled in the output. The values are declared as long.

See Also

XML Import Export