Meta Data Services Programming
IViewRelationshipDef ViewFlags Property
This property contains flags that determine the characteristics of a generated view that is based on a RelationshipDef object.
Property Data Type: long
This table describes the flags property for the IViewRelationshipDef interface.
Flag name | Position |
Default value | Description |
GENERATE_RESOLVED_VIEW | 1 | 0 | Specifies whether to generate a junction table view that supports version resolution. |
GENERATE_NORESOLUTION_VIEW | 2 | 0 | Specifies whether to generate a junction table view that does no version resolution. This flag should only be used on nonversioned repositories. |
GENERATE_WORKSPACE_VIEW | 4 | 0 | Specifies whether to generate a junction table view that is scoped for a workspace. |
INCLUDE_PREVDSTID | 64 | 0 | Specifies that the internal identifier of the previous element in a sequential collection be included as a column in the view containing the relationship.
This flag applies only to sequenced relationship types. |
INCLUDE_RELTYPEID | 128 | 0 | Specifies that the view containing this relationship should have a column containing the relationship type to enable joins with RTblRelshipProps. |
CHOOSE_ORIGIN | 256 | 0 | If a relationship is one-to-one, specifies storage in views containing the relationship type's origin interface.
INCLUDE_LONGNAMES | 512 | 0 | Specifies that long names should be included in junction table views. |
Dispatch Identifier: DISPID_IViewRelationshipDefFlags (382)
See Also
Defining Views in an Information Model
IViewRelationshipDef ColumnNamePrefix Property
IViewRelationshipDef Interface