MethodDef Class

Meta Data Services Programming

Meta Data Services Programming

MethodDef Class

When you define a class for an information model, you specify the interfaces that the class implements. For each of those interfaces, you specify the members (properties, methods, and collections) that are attached to the interface.

The definition of a method as a member of an interface does not result in the method's implementation logic being stored in the repository. However, it does add the method name to the set of defined member names for that interface. It also reserves the method's dispatch identifier in the set of defined dispatch identifier values for the interface.

Instances of the MethodDef class represent method definitions.

To attach a new method to an interface, use the InterfaceDef class.

When to Use

Use the MethodDef class to access or modify the characteristics of a method definition, or to determine the interface definition to which a particular method is attached.

Interface Description
IAnnotationalProps Gets and sets annotational properties
IInterfaceMember Relates a member to an interface
IInterfaceMember2 Creates simple, derived members as instances of the Alias class, and creates semantically rich derived members as instances of the CollectionDef class
INamedObject Retrieves or sets the class name
IRepositoryDispatch Provides enhanced dispatch support
IRepositoryItem Manages repository objects and relationships
IRepositoryObject Retrieves repository object identifiers
IRepositoryObjectStorage Creates and loads repository objects
IVersionAdminInfo2 Retains properties inherited from IVersionAdminInfo and sets or retrieves version comments

See Also

InterfaceDef Class

MethodDef Object

RTIM Classes