IRepositoryObjectVersion Interface
A repository object version is a particular version of a repository object. Each version of an object can differ from other versions of that object in its property values and collections.
When to Use
Use the IRepositoryObjectVersion interface to manipulate any version of an object, including the original version established with IRepository::CreateObject.
IUnknown method |
Description |
QueryInterface |
Returns pointers to supported interfaces |
AddRef |
Increments the reference count |
Release |
Decrements the reference count |
IDispatch method |
Description |
GetIDsOfNames |
Maps a single member and a set of argument names to a corresponding set of dispatch identifiers |
GetTypeInfo |
Retrieves a type information object, which can be used to get the type information for an interface |
GetTypeInfoCount |
Retrieves the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1) |
Invoke |
Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an Automation object |
IRepositoryDispatch method |
Description |
get_Properties |
Retrieves the IReposProperties interface pointer. The IReposProperties interface provides access to the Properties collection. |
IRepositoryItem method |
Description |
Delete |
Deletes a repository item |
Get_Interface |
Retrieves an interface pointer to the specified item interface |
Get_Name |
Retrieves the name associated with an item |
Get_Repository |
Retrieves the IRepository interface pointer for an item's open Repository instance |
Get_Type |
Retrieves the type of an item |
Lock |
Locks the item |
Put_Name |
Sets the name associated with an item |
IRepositoryObject method |
Description |
get_InternalID |
Retrieves the internal identifier for a Repository object |
get_ObjectID |
Retrieves the object identifier for a Repository object |
IRepositoryObjectVersion method |
Description |
CreateVersion |
Creates a new version of an object as a successor to the current object version |
FreezeVersion |
Disallows further modification of the (nonannotational) property values or origin collections of the current object version |
get_IsFrozen |
Determines whether the current object version is frozen |
get_ObjectVersions |
Retrieves an interface pointer to the collection of all versions of the current object |
get_PredecessorCreationVersion |
Retrieves an interface pointer to the predecessor object version from which the current object version was created |
get_PredecessorVersions |
Retrieves an interface pointer to the collection of all predecessor versions of the current object version |
get_ResolutionType |
Returns an indication of which resolution technique the repository engine used in returning the particular version of the current object |
get_SuccessorVersions |
Retrieves an interface pointer to the collection of all successor versions of the current object version |
get_VersionID |
Retrieves the object-version identifier of the current object version |
get_VersionInternalID |
Retrieves the internal object-version identifier of the current object version |
MergeVersion |
Changes the current object version by combining its property values and collections with another object version |
See Also
RepositoryObjectVersion Class
Versioning Objects