Creating and Extending Type Information

Meta Data Services Programming

Meta Data Services Programming

Creating and Extending Type Information

Information models contain type information about the tools and applications you develop. Creating an information model is the first step in developing tools and applications with the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services repository.

You can build custom information models, or use the predefined information model distributed with SQL Server 2000. SQL Server distributes the Open Information Model (OIM). You can obtain a more recent version of the OIM from the Meta Data Coalition (MDC) or the Meta Data Services Software Development Kit (SDK).

If you are using a predefined information model, the information model is created for you. However, you can extend a predefined information model if you want to add elements that further describe the tool or application you want to develop. Extending an information model is equivalent to creating a new model.

The following topics detail different strategies for creating an information model.

Topic Description
Creating Type Information Using Modeling Tools Describes the advantages of creating an information model with modeling tools
Information Model Creation Issues Identifies choices you can make about a model you create, and identifies some basic requirements for creating a navigable information model
Creating Type Information Programmatically Details the steps to follow when creating an information model through code

See Also

Getting Started with Meta Data Services

Information Models

OIM in Meta Data Services

Meta Data Services SDK

Repository API Reference