Programming Environment
Programming a Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services application requires software and operating systems. Required software works together in an integrated manner. For this reason, the software that you use to build a Meta Data Services application must be installed on the same PC.
The Automation server distributed with Meta Data Services is Repodbc.dll. If you require more server functionality than Repodbc.dll provides, you can create your own Automation server. For more information, see Choosing an Automation Server for a Class.
Additional programming resources are provided through the Meta Data Services Software Development Kit (SDK). The Meta Data Services SDK provides tools that complete your repository environment. Whether you are using COM or Automation interfaces to define or manipulate an information model, be sure to download the Meta Data Services SDK so that you can take advantage of the additional utilities and documentation that it provides.
The following software details the required and optional software you need.
Software | Description |
Microsoft Windows® operating system | You can use Windows 98, Windows NT® 4.0, or Windows 2000. |
SQL Server or Microsoft Jet, and ODBC | You can use SQL Server 6.5, SQL Server 7.0, and SQL Server 2000, or Microsoft Jet 3.5 and later. You also need ODBC 2.0 or later.
A DBMS is required to manage the repository database. For more information, see Repository Databases. The DBMS you use can affect the performance of a repository database and the availability of some features. For more information, see Using Repository Engine Features with Older Databases. |
Meta Data Services | Meta Data Services installs with SQL Server 2000. Meta Data Services provides the repository engine.
You can also obtain Meta Data Services from the Microsoft Repository web site. To install from the Web, a licensed copy of SQL Server 6.5, SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000, or Microsoft Visual Studio® 6.0 must already be installed on your PC. |
Modeling tool | (Optional.) A modeling tool is strongly recommended. Rational Rose is the preferred modeling tool for use with this release of Meta Data Services. |
The Meta Data Services SDK | (Optional.) The Meta Data Services SDK contains programming and modeling resources.
You can obtain the Meta Data Services SDK from the Meta Data Services web site. For more information, see Meta Data Services SDK. |
Development tool | (Optional.) COM support is a programming requirement. You can use Microsoft Visual Studio or another development tool that supports COM Automation development. |