Manipulating Objects in a Workspace

Meta Data Services Programming

Meta Data Services Programming

Manipulating Objects in a Workspace

Repository objects implement the IWorkSpaceItem interface in order to support workspace-related capabilities. The IWorkSpaceItem interface is available at both the COM level and the Automation level. Given a specific version of a repository object, you can perform the workspace-related operations listed in the following table.

To Use
Determine whether an object version is checked out to a workspace The CheckedOutToWorkspace property of the IWorkSpaceItem interface.
Determine which workspaces contain a particular object version The Workspaces collection of the IWorkSpaceItem interface that is exposed by the object version.
Add an object version to a workspace The IWorkspace interface to obtain access to the Contents collection. Then use the Add method of the Contents collection to add an object version to the workspace.
Remove an object version from a workspace The IWorkspace interface to obtain access to the Contents collection. Then use the Remove method of the Contents collection to remove the object version from the workspace.
Check an object version out to a workspace The CheckOut method of the IWorkSpaceItem interface that is exposed by the object version.
Check an object version in from a workspace The CheckIn method of the IWorkSpaceItem interface that is exposed by the object version.

See Also

Managing Workspaces

Manipulating Workspaces