Meta Data Services Programming
Manipulating Objects in a Workspace
Repository objects implement the IWorkSpaceItem interface in order to support workspace-related capabilities. The IWorkSpaceItem interface is available at both the COM level and the Automation level. Given a specific version of a repository object, you can perform the workspace-related operations listed in the following table.
To | Use |
Determine whether an object version is checked out to a workspace | The CheckedOutToWorkspace property of the IWorkSpaceItem interface. |
Determine which workspaces contain a particular object version | The Workspaces collection of the IWorkSpaceItem interface that is exposed by the object version. |
Add an object version to a workspace | The IWorkspace interface to obtain access to the Contents collection. Then use the Add method of the Contents collection to add an object version to the workspace. |
Remove an object version from a workspace | The IWorkspace interface to obtain access to the Contents collection. Then use the Remove method of the Contents collection to remove the object version from the workspace. |
Check an object version out to a workspace | The CheckOut method of the IWorkSpaceItem interface that is exposed by the object version. |
Check an object version in from a workspace | The CheckIn method of the IWorkSpaceItem interface that is exposed by the object version. |