Open Data Services (Level 1)

Installing SQL Server

Installing SQL Server
Open Data Services (Level 1)

In SQL Server 2000, Open Data Services, now called extended stored procedures, no longer supports gateway applications.

SQL Server 6.x SQL Server 2000
The ODBC client driver for Open Data Services gateways (ODSGT32.DLL) and associated resource files were used by ODBC clients to connect to Open Data Services gateway servers. Not shipped with SQL Server 2000. The SQL Server version 6.x ODSGT32.DLL and associated resource files work against an Open Data Services gateway recompiled with SQL Server version 7.0 headers and libraries. Use the SQL Server version 6.x ODBC client driver for Open Data Services (ODSGT32.DLL) and associated resource files to connect from an ODBC client to an Open Data Services gateway.

Consider redesigning your application using Windows NT Component Services.

Open Data Services data structures such as SRV_CONFIG, SRV_PROC, and SRV_SERVER were exposed in the Open Data Services header file. These data structures are no longer exposed, and the data structure members have changed. Applications that reference these data structures directly or their members must be changed and recompiled using the SQL Server 7.0 Open Data Services header file (srv.h) and relinked using the SQL Server 7.0 Open Data Services library file (opends60.lib). These changes should be made to avoid the possibility of server failures.
Earlier versions of SQL Server could make remote stored procedure calls against gateways compliant with 6.x or 4.x versions of Open Data Services. SQL Server 2000 does not support remote stored procedure calls against gateways compliant with 6.x and 4.x versions of Open Data Services. SQL Server 2000 does support remote stored procedure calls against gateways compliant with SQL Server 2000. Gateways compiled and linked with earlier versions of Open Data Services should be recompiled with SQL Server 7.0 version of Open Data Services. Consider using distributed query if your target data source has an ODBC or an OLE DB provider on Windows NT or Windows 95/98.