DBCC (Level 3)

Installing SQL Server

Installing SQL Server
DBCC (Level 3)
SQL Server 6.x SQL Server 2000
DBCC NEWALLOC checked data and index pages against corresponding extent structures. DBCC NEWALLOC is supported for backward compatibility only and is identical to DBCC CHECKALLOC.

Consider removing all references of DBCC NEWALLOC and replacing with references to DBCC CHECKALLOC.

DBCC ROWLOCK dynamically enabled Insert Row Locking (IRL) operation on tables. Row-level locking is automatic. DBCC ROWLOCK available for backward compatibility only.

Consider removing all references of DBCC ROWLOCK.

DBCC TEXTALL selected tables in the database that had text or image columns and ran DBCC TEXTALLOC on them. DBCC CHECKDB checks the consistency of text, ntext, and image columns in a database. DBCC TEXTALL is available for backward compatibility only.

Consider removing all references of DBCC TEXTALL and replacing with references to DBCC CHECKDB.

DBCC TEXTALLOC checked the allocation of text or image columns for a table. DBCC CHECKTABLE checks the integrity of the data, index, text, ntext, and image pages for the specified table. DBCC TEXTALLOC is available for backward compatibility only.

Consider removing all references of DBCC TEXTALLOC and replacing with references to DBCC CHECKTABLE.

DBCC DBREPAIR dropped the specified, and usually damaged, database. Use DROP DATABASE to drop or remove a SQL Server database. DBCC DBREPAIR is available for backward compatibility only.

Consider removing all references of DBCC DBREPAIR and replacing with references to DROP DATABASE.