2.3. Installing on Linux hosts

Oracle VM VirtualBox

2.3. Installing on Linux hosts

2.3.1. Prerequisites

For the various versions of Linux that we support as host operating systems, please refer to Section 1.4, “Supported host operating systems”.

You will need to install the following packages on your Linux system before starting the installation (some systems will do this for you automatically when you install VirtualBox):

  • Qt 5.3.2 or higher (Qt 5.6.2 or higher recommended);

  • SDL 1.2.7 or higher (this graphics library is typically called libsdl or similar).


To be precise, these packages are only required if you want to run the VirtualBox graphical user interfaces. In particular, VirtualBox, the graphical VirtualBox manager, requires both Qt and SDL; VBoxSDL, our simplified GUI, requires only SDL. By contrast, if you only want to run VBoxHeadless, neither Qt nor SDL are required.

2.3.2. The VirtualBox driver modules

In order to run other operating systems in virtual machines alongside your main operating system, VirtualBox needs to integrate very tightly into the system. To do this it installs a "driver" module called vboxdrv which does a lot of that work into the system kernel, which is the part of the operating system which controls your processor and physical hardware. Without this kernel module, you can still use the VirtualBox manager to configure virtual machines, but they will not start. It also installs network drivers called vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp which let virtual machines make more use of your computer's network capabilities and are needed for any virtual machine networking beyond the basic "NAT" mode.

Since distributing driver modules separately from the kernel is not something which Linux supports well, we create the modules on the system where they will be used. This usually means first installing software packages from the distribution which are needed for the "build" process. Normally, these will be the GNU compiler (GCC), GNU Make (make) and packages containing "header files" for your kernel - and making sure that all system updates are installed and that the system is running the most up-to-date kernel included in the distribution. The running kernel and the header files must be updated to matching versions. We will give some instructions for common distributions. For most of them you will want to start by finding the version name of your kernel using the command uname -r in a terminal. They assume that you have not changed too much from the original installation, particularly not installed a different kernel type. If you have then you will need to determine yourself what to set up.

  • With Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions, you must install the right version of the linux-headers, usually whichever of linux-headers-generic , linux-headers-amd64 , linux-headers-i686 or linux-headers-i686-pae best matches the kernel version name; and if it exists the linux-kbuild package. Basic Ubuntu releases should have the right packages installed by default.

  • On Fedora, Redhat, Oracle Linux and many other RPM-based systems, the kernel version sometimes has a code of letters or a word close to the end of the version name, for example "uek" for the Oracle Enterprise kernel or "default" or "desktop" for the standard SUSE kernels. In this case the package name is kernel-uek-devel or equivalent. If there is no such code, it is usually kernel-devel.

  • On older SUSE and openSUSE Linux, you must install the kernel-source and kernel-syms packages.

If you suspect that something has gone wrong with module installation, check that your system is set up as described above and try running (as root) the following command:

rcvboxdrv setup

2.3.3. Performing the installation

VirtualBox is available in a number of package formats native to various common Linux distributions (see Section 1.4, “Supported host operating systems” for details). In addition, there is an alternative generic installer (.run) which should work on most Linux distributions. The generic installer packages are built on EL5 systems and thus require reasonable old versions of glibc (version 2.5) and other system libraries. Installing VirtualBox from a Debian/Ubuntu package

First, download the appropriate package for your distribution. The following examples assume that you are installing to a 32-bit Ubuntu Wily system. Use dpkg to install the Debian package:

sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-5.0_5.2.4_Ubuntu_wily_i386.deb

The installer will also try to build kernel modules suitable for the current running kernel. If the build process is not successful you will be shown a warning and the package will be left unconfigured. Please have a look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out why the compilation failed. You may have to install the appropriate Linux kernel headers (see Section 2.3.2, “The VirtualBox driver modules”). After correcting any problems, do

sudo rcvboxdrv setup

This will start a second attempt to build the module.

If a suitable kernel module was found in the package or the module was successfully built, the installation script will attempt to load that module. If this fails, please see Section 12.8.1, “Linux kernel module refuses to load” for further information.

Once VirtualBox has been successfully installed and configured, you can start it by selecting "VirtualBox" in your start menu or from the command line (see Section 2.3.5, “Starting VirtualBox on Linux”). Using the alternative generic installer (VirtualBox.run)

The alternative generic installer performs the following steps:

  • It unpacks the application files to the target directory,


    which cannot be changed.

  • It builds the VirtualBox kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp) and installs them.

  • It creates /sbin/rcvboxdrv, an init script to start the VirtualBox kernel module.

  • It creates a new system group called vboxusers.

  • It creates symbolic links in /usr/bin to the a shell script (/opt/VirtualBox/VBox) which does some sanity checks and dispatches to the actual executables, VirtualBox, VBoxSDL, VBoxVRDP, VBoxHeadless and VBoxManage

  • It creates /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules, a description file for udev, if that is present, which makes the USB devices accessible to all users in the vboxusers group.

  • It writes the installation directory to /etc/vbox/vbox.cfg.

The installer must be executed as root with either install or uninstall as the first parameter.

sudo ./VirtualBox.run install

Or if you do not have the "sudo" command available, run the following as root instead:

./VirtualBox.run install

After that you need to put every user which should be able to access USB devices from VirtualBox guests in the group vboxusers, either through the GUI user management tools or by running the following command as root:

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers username


The usermod command of some older Linux distributions does not support the -a option (which adds the user to the given group without affecting membership of other groups). In this case, find out the current group memberships with the groups command and add all these groups in a comma-separated list to the command line after the -G option, e.g. like this: usermod -G group1,group2,vboxusers username. Performing a manual installation

If, for any reason, you cannot use the shell script installer described previously, you can also perform a manual installation. Invoke the installer like this:

./VirtualBox.run --keep --noexec

This will unpack all the files needed for installation in the directory install under the current directory. The VirtualBox application files are contained in VirtualBox.tar.bz2 which you can unpack to any directory on your system. For example:

sudo mkdir /opt/VirtualBox
sudo tar jxf ./install/VirtualBox.tar.bz2 -C /opt/VirtualBox

or as root:

mkdir /opt/VirtualBox
tar jxf ./install/VirtualBox.tar.bz2 -C /opt/VirtualBox

The sources for VirtualBox's kernel module are provided in the src directory. To build the module, change to the directory and issue


If everything builds correctly, issue the following command to install the module to the appropriate module directory:

sudo make install

In case you do not have sudo, switch the user account to root and perform

make install

The VirtualBox kernel module needs a device node to operate. The above make command will tell you how to create the device node, depending on your Linux system. The procedure is slightly different for a classical Linux setup with a /dev directory, a system with the now deprecated devfs and a modern Linux system with udev.

On certain Linux distributions, you might experience difficulties building the module. You will have to analyze the error messages from the build system to diagnose the cause of the problems. In general, make sure that the correct Linux kernel sources are used for the build process.

Note that the /dev/vboxdrv kernel module device node must be owned by root:root and must be read/writable only for the user.

Next, you will have to install the system initialization script for the kernel module:

cp /opt/VirtualBox/vboxdrv.sh /sbin/rcvboxdrv

(assuming you installed VirtualBox to the /opt/VirtualBox directory) and activate the initialization script using the right method for your distribution. You should create VirtualBox's configuration file:

mkdir /etc/vbox
echo INSTALL_DIR=/opt/VirtualBox > /etc/vbox/vbox.cfg

and, for convenience, create the following symbolic links:

ln -sf /opt/VirtualBox/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VirtualBox
ln -sf /opt/VirtualBox/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VBoxManage
ln -sf /opt/VirtualBox/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless
ln -sf /opt/VirtualBox/VBox.sh /usr/bin/VBoxSDL Updating and uninstalling VirtualBox

Before updating or uninstalling VirtualBox, you must terminate any virtual machines which are currently running and exit the VirtualBox or VBoxSVC applications. To update VirtualBox, simply run the installer of the updated version. To uninstall VirtualBox, invoke the installer like this:

sudo ./VirtualBox.run uninstall

or as root

./VirtualBox.run uninstall

. Starting with version 2.2.2, you can uninstall the .run package by invoking


To manually uninstall VirtualBox, simply undo the steps in the manual installation in reverse order. Automatic installation of Debian packages

The Debian packages will request some user feedback when installed for the first time. The debconf system is used to perform this task. To prevent any user interaction during installation, default values can be defined. A file vboxconf can contain the following debconf settings:

virtualbox virtualbox/module-compilation-allowed boolean true
virtualbox virtualbox/delete-old-modules boolean true

The first line allows compilation of the vboxdrv kernel module if no module was found for the current kernel. The second line allows the package to delete any old vboxdrv kernel modules compiled by previous installations.

These default settings can be applied with

debconf-set-selections vboxconf

prior to the installation of the VirtualBox Debian package.

In addition there are some common configuration options that can be set prior to the installation, described in Section, “Automatic installation options”. Automatic installation of .rpm packages

The .rpm format does not provide a configuration system comparable to the debconf system. See Section, “Automatic installation options” for how to set some common installation options provided by VirtualBox. Automatic installation options

To configure the installation process of our .deb and .rpm packages, you can create a response file named /etc/default/virtualbox. The automatic generation of the udev rule can be prevented by the following setting:


The creation of the group vboxusers can be prevented by


If the line


is specified, the package installer will not try to build the vboxdrv kernel module if no module fitting the current kernel was found.

2.3.4. The vboxusers group

The Linux installers create the system user group vboxusers during installation. Any system user who is going to use USB devices from VirtualBox guests must be a member of that group. A user can be made a member of the group vboxusers through the GUI user/group management or at the command line with

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers username

2.3.5. Starting VirtualBox on Linux

The easiest way to start a VirtualBox program is by running the program of your choice (VirtualBox, VBoxManage, VBoxSDL or VBoxHeadless) from a terminal. These are symbolic links to VBox.sh that start the required program for you.

The following detailed instructions should only be of interest if you wish to execute VirtualBox without installing it first. You should start by compiling the vboxdrv kernel module (see above) and inserting it into the Linux kernel. VirtualBox consists of a service daemon (VBoxSVC) and several application programs. The daemon is automatically started if necessary. All VirtualBox applications will communicate with the daemon through Unix local domain sockets. There can be multiple daemon instances under different user accounts and applications can only communicate with the daemon running under the user account as the application. The local domain socket resides in a subdirectory of your system's directory for temporary files called .vbox-<username>-ipc. In case of communication problems or server startup problems, you may try to remove this directory.

All VirtualBox applications (VirtualBox, VBoxSDL, VBoxManage and VBoxHeadless) require the VirtualBox directory to be in the library path:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./VBoxManage showvminfo "Windows XP"