Appendix 4 - PhotoGrav Concepts and Design

PhotoGrav 3.0


A4.0 Introduction

    This appendix presents the rationale behind several of PhotoGrav's concepts and, at a high level, the design necessary to realize those concepts. The information duplicates some of the material presented in Sec. 2.2 but provides more detail about PhotoGrav's model and about the procedures used to tune the parameterized processing algorithms for the engraving materials.

A4.1 PhotoGrav Concepts

    The objective of the PhotoGrav program is to efficiently process digitized photographs so they can be engraved on a variety of common engraving materials with a high degree of confidence that the engraved photographs will be acceptable products. PhotoGrav achieves this objective in the following way:

  1. It provides parameterized algorithms that have been found effective in processing photos for engraving.
  2. It provides, for many common engraving materials, the algorithm parameters that result in near-optimal engraving for each material.
  3. It provides an automated, or interactive, application of the algorithms to the subject photo for the currently-specified engraving material.
  4. It provides a simulation of the engraving process so the "engraved product" can be inspected before it is actually engraved.

    This section addresses "Basic PhotoGrav Concepts" as two major subtopics: (1) "Parameterized Algorithms and Engraving Materials" and (2) "PhotoGrav Simulation".

A4.1.1 Parameterized Algorithms and Engraving Materials

    PhotoGrav provides four major algorithms for processing digitized photos into engravable (binary) images: (1) Grayshade Adjustments, (2) Smoothing and Edge Enhancements, (3) "Screening" Operations, and (4) Image/Screen Combinations and Thresholding. Each of these algorithms has several functional components and each component is parameterized to provide a broad range of possible effects. It is not the intent of this section to describe each algorithm and its components (see Sec. 3.4 for detailed algorithm descriptions) but rather to describe how the algorithms are "tuned" for each engraving material.

    Basically, PhotoGrav's algorithms are "tuned" for a specific material by an iterative process utilizing a combination of: (1) PhotoGrav's simulation capabilities (described in the next section) and (2) experimental engravings on the specified material. An initial estimate is made, for the subject material, of what the parameters should be for each of PhotoGrav's processing algorithms. The initial estimate is then specified to the PhotoGrav simulation capability and the result is inspected on the computer monitor. Adjustments are then made to the initial parameters until the simulation appears to be near optimal for several digitized photos. The "Engraved Image" produced by PhotoGrav is then actually engraved on the subject material and inspected. Based on the inspection, further adjustments are made to the parameters, the simulation is repeated, and further engravings are produced. This process is repeated until further iterations produce no perceptible improvements in the engravings. The overall "tuning" process, although simple, is rather tedious and would be extremely difficult without PhotoGrav's simulation capabilities.

    The derived parameters for the subject material are then stored as a data set specific to that material. When the engraving material is subsequently selected during a normal PhotoGrav session, these parameters are accessed and loaded as the current processing parameters. The stored parameters include flags that indicate whether or not certain special operations should be performed for the material. For example, for black brass, a flag indicates that this is a negative-polarity material and that the "Engraved Image" should be inverted from normal engraving polarity. Or, for black painted acrylic, flags indicate that this is not only a negative polarity material but also that the image should be mirrored horizontally before engraving. Any of the parameters specifying the processing for a specific material can be readily adjusted in PhotoGrav's Interactive Process window. Adjustments can then be saved as a "PhotoGrav Session" and used as a template as needed.

A4.1.2 PhotoGrav Simulation

    Although the tuning process described above results in "near optimal" parameter settings for each engraving material, engraving results are still often somewhat image dependent. In other words, the settings that produce an excellent engraving for one image on a specific material might result in an engraving that is less satisfactory for another image using the same engraving material. Further, it is very difficult to view the raw processed image on a computer monitor and to judge from that display whether or not the final engraving will be satisfactory. To overcome these difficulties, PhotoGrav provides, optionally, a simulation of what the processed image will look like once it is actually engraved on the selected material.

    PhotoGrav's simulation capability is intended to provide a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) capability. In other words, the appearance of the simulated image on your computer monitor should be very close to the appearance of the actual engraving produced from the processed image (subject to some of the qualifying factors mentioned in Sec. 2.2). The simulated image is not merely an overlay of "dots" on top of a representation of the engraving material. Rather, it is a full-fledged simulation wherein a lens-power model, calibrated for each material, is used to calculate an effective spot size which is then "burned" into a representation of the engraving material. The word "effective" is emphasized in the preceding statement because the spot size that PhotoGrav uses for the simulation is the size of the spot that the laser creates on the subject material, not just the geometric cross section of the laser beam at the focal plane. The "effective spot size" is modeled as a two-dimensional Gaussian curve whose height (degree of burn) and width (area of burn) are dependent on the laser's power and speed settings, the lens, and the engraver's dpi setting relative to the image dpi. The effective spot size is calibrated for each material by engraving test images at several power settings and then matching the engravings to PhotoGrav's Simulated Image by adjusting the effective spot size as a function of the previously-mentioned variables.

    All simulation models contain some approximations and PhotoGrav's model is no exception. Most of these approximations are very straightforward and require no explanation since they adhere very closely to reality. However, one approximation does require some explanation and that approximation occurs when the engraver dpi does not match the image dpi. For example, suppose that an image is digitized at 250 dpi but is to be engraved at 500 dpi. If PhotoGrav's simulated image were to be produced at 500 dpi, then it would be four times larger than if it were produced at 250 dpi and would take approximately four times longer to produce. So, in order to save both disk space and execution time, PhotoGrav produces the simulated image at 250 dpi but modifies the "effective spot size and power" so that an engraving dpi of 500 dpi is approximated. To see this effect, start PhotoGrav, select an input image of 250 dpi (or 300 dpi), choose Black Laser Brass as the engraving material , and "Interactive Mode" the image. Within the Interactive Mode control panel change the Power setting to 15%. Type a value of 250 (or 300) into the “Machine DPI” and hit the “Preview” button. Note the laser spot size in the Simulated or Engraved image. Then choose 500 (or 600) DPI from the list and note that the spot has gotten much brighter and larger, especially in the cross scan (vertical) dimension. These differences in the effective spot size are indicators of the approximation that PhotoGrav uses when the engraver dpi does not match the image dpi.

    As noted in Sec. 2.2, the Simulation Image might not always be a good representation of the actual engraving produced from the processed image due to factors that vary in an unknown way. However, if you take steps to minimize these variations and take the time to develop some skill in interpreting PhotoGrav's Simulated image relative to your particular materials and engraver, then the simulation can be a powerful tool in reliably creating excellent photographic engravings. This notion is what is previously referred to as a “Relative” simulation.