NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: Pvd



Collaboration diagram for Pvd:


struct  PxPvdSceneFlag
 PVD scene Flags. They are disabled by default, and only works if PxPvdInstrumentationFlag::eDEBUG is set. More...
class  PxPvdSceneClient
 Special client for PxScene. It provides access to the PxPvdSceneFlag. It also provides simple user debug services that associated scene position such as immediate rendering and camera updates. More...
struct  PxPvdInstrumentationFlag
 types of instrumentation that PVD can do. More...
class  PxPvd
 PxPvd is the top-level class for the PVD framework, and the main customer interface for PVD configuration.It is a singleton class, instantiated and owned by the application. More...
class  PxPvdTransport
 PxPvdTransport is an interface representing the data transport mechanism. This class defines all services associated with the transport: configuration, connection, reading, writing etc. It is owned by the application, and can be realized as a file or a socket (using one-line PxDefault<...> methods in PhysXExtensions) or in a custom implementation. This is a class that is intended for use by PVD, not by the application, the application entry points are PxPvd and PvdClient. More...


namespace  physx


typedef PxFlags
< PxPvdSceneFlag::Enum, PxU8 > 
 Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdSceneFlag.
typedef PxFlags
< PxPvdInstrumentationFlag::Enum,
uint8_t > 
 Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdInstrumentationFlag.


PX_PVDSDK_API PxPvd *PX_CALL_CONV PxCreatePvd (PxFoundation &foundation)
 Create a pvd instance.
PX_PVDSDK_API PxPvdTransport
PxDefaultPvdSocketTransportCreate (const char *host, int port, unsigned int timeoutInMilliseconds)
 Create a default socket transport.
PX_PVDSDK_API PxPvdTransport
PxDefaultPvdFileTransportCreate (const char *name)
 Create a default file transport.

Typedef Documentation

Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdInstrumentationFlag.

See also:

Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdSceneFlag.

See also:

Function Documentation

PX_PVDSDK_API PxPvd* PX_CALL_CONV PxCreatePvd ( PxFoundation foundation  ) 

Create a pvd instance.

foundation is the foundation instance that stores the allocator and error callbacks.

PX_PVDSDK_API PxPvdTransport* PX_CALL_CONV PxDefaultPvdFileTransportCreate ( const char *  name  ) 

Create a default file transport.

name full path filename used save captured pvd data.

PX_PVDSDK_API PxPvdTransport* PX_CALL_CONV PxDefaultPvdSocketTransportCreate ( const char *  host,
int  port,
unsigned int  timeoutInMilliseconds 

Create a default socket transport.

host host address of the pvd application.
port ip port used for pvd, should same as the port setting in pvd application.
timeoutInMilliseconds timeout when connect to pvd host.

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