NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: Member List


PxShape Member List

This is the complete list of members for PxShape, including all inherited members.

acquireReference()=0PxShape [pure virtual]
getActor() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getBaseFlags() const PxBase [inline]
getBoxGeometry(PxBoxGeometry &geometry) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getCapsuleGeometry(PxCapsuleGeometry &geometry) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getConcreteType() const PxBase [inline]
getConcreteTypeName() const PxShape [inline, virtual]
getContactOffset() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getConvexMeshGeometry(PxConvexMeshGeometry &geometry) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getFlags() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getGeometry() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getGeometryType() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getHeightFieldGeometry(PxHeightFieldGeometry &geometry) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getLocalPose() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getMaterialFromInternalFaceIndex(PxU32 faceIndex) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getMaterials(PxMaterial **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getName() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getNbMaterials() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getPlaneGeometry(PxPlaneGeometry &geometry) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getQueryFilterData() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getRestOffset() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getSimulationFilterData() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getSphereGeometry(PxSphereGeometry &geometry) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
getTriangleMeshGeometry(PxTriangleMeshGeometry &geometry) const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
is()PxBase [inline]
is() const PxBase [inline]
isExclusive() const =0PxShape [pure virtual]
isKindOf(const char *name) const PxShape [inline, protected, virtual]
isReleasable() const PxBase [inline, virtual]
mBaseFlagsPxBase [protected]
mConcreteTypePxBase [protected]
PxBase(PxType concreteType, PxBaseFlags baseFlags)PxBase [inline, protected]
PxBase(PxBaseFlags baseFlags)PxBase [inline, protected]
PxShape(PxBaseFlags baseFlags)PxShape [inline, protected]
PxShape(PxType concreteType, PxBaseFlags baseFlags)PxShape [inline, protected]
release()=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setBaseFlag(PxBaseFlag::Enum flag, bool value)PxBase [inline]
setBaseFlags(PxBaseFlags inFlags)PxBase [inline]
setContactOffset(PxReal contactOffset)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setFlag(PxShapeFlag::Enum flag, bool value)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setFlags(PxShapeFlags inFlags)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setGeometry(const PxGeometry &geometry)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setLocalPose(const PxTransform &pose)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setMaterials(PxMaterial *const *materials, PxU16 materialCount)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setName(const char *name)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setQueryFilterData(const PxFilterData &data)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setRestOffset(PxReal restOffset)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
setSimulationFilterData(const PxFilterData &data)=0PxShape [pure virtual]
typeMatch() const PxBase [inline, protected]
~PxBase()PxBase [inline, protected, virtual]
~PxShape()PxShape [inline, protected, virtual]

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