1. Launch NI-DNET Configurator
Complete the following steps to launch NI-DNET Configurator:
- Launch Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
- In MAX, select your CAN card under My System»Devices and Interfaces.
- Change the protocol to DeviceNet by right-clicking the CAN card and selecting Protocol. (Refer to Protocol Dialog Box for more information.)
- Set the DeviceNet interface properties by right-clicking the port and selecting Properties. (Refer to Port Properties Dialog Box for more information.)
- Launch the configurator by right-clicking the port and selecting Configurator.
- After launch, the configurator searches all devices on the network automatically. A message box tells you to add your device EDS files. Click OK. (Refer to What is EDS? for more information.)
- A message box asks you whether to upload or download. Click Upload. (Refer to Refresh the Device List for more information.)