Find a Packet
The analyzer can search a specific packet and highlight it in the Packet List window.
Complete the following steps to find a specific packet:
- If the analyzer is capturing, stop capture. Refer to Start and Stop Capture for details.
- Select Edit»Find Packet....
- Change the following find parameters as needed:
- Find by Message Type—Select Message Type in the Category combo box and specify a message type in the Find What combo box.
- Find by Group ID—Select Group ID in the Category combo box and specify a group ID in the Find What combo box.
- Find by Message ID—Select Message ID in the Category combo box and specify a message ID in the Find What combo box.
- Find by Source MAC ID—Select Source MAC ID in the Category combo box and specify a source MAC ID in the Find What combo box.
- Find by Destination MAC ID—Select Destination MAC ID in the Category combo box and specify a destination MAC ID in the Find What combo box.
- Find by Arbitration ID—Select Arbitration ID in the Category combo box and enter a value between 0 and 0x7EF in the Find What combo box.
- Click Find Next.