Microsoft Visual C/C++ Programming Instructions (Version 2.0 or Higher)


Microsoft Visual C/C++ Programming Instructions (Version 6.0 or Later)

Before you compile your application, include the following line at the beginning of your program:

#include "ni4882.h"

The "NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP" environment variable is provided as an alias to the location of C language support files. You can use this variable when compiling and linking an application.

With Microsoft Visual C++ (Version 6.0 or higher), to compile and link a Win32 console application named cprog in a DOS shell using the environment variable, "NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP", type in the following on the command line:

cl /I"%NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP%\include" cprog.c "%NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP%\lib32\msvc\ni4882.obj" /MD

With Microsoft Visual C++ (Version 8.0 or higher), to compile and link a Win64 console application named cprog in a DOS shell using the environment variable, "NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP", type in the following on the command line:

cl /I"%NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP%\include" cprog.c "%NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP%\lib64\msvc\ni4882.obj" /MD