IbcTMO (ibconfig Device Configuration Option)


IbcTMO (ibconfig Device Configuration Option)



IbcTMO Changes the timeout period of the device.

This option sets the timeout period of the board or device to v. The timeout period is used to select the maximum duration allowed for a synchronous I/O operation (for example, ibrd and ibwrt) or for an ibwait or ibnotify operation with TIMO in the wait mask. If the operation does not complete before the timeout period elapses, the operation is aborted and TIMO is returned in Ibsta. The timeout values listed below represent the minimum timeout period. The actual period could be longer.

Timeout Code Values

Constant Value of v Minimum Timeout
TNONE 0 disabled (no timeout)
T10µs 1 10 µs
T30µs 2 30 µs
T100µs 3 100 µs
T300µs 4 300 µs
T1ms 5 1 ms
T3ms 6 3 ms
T10ms 7 10 ms
T30ms 8 30 ms
T100ms 9 100 ms
T300ms 10 300 ms
T1s 11 1 s
T3s 12 3 s
T10s 13 10 s
T30s 14 30 s
T100s 15 100 s
T300s 16 300 s
T1000s 17 1000 s