Static IP Parameters


Static IP Parameters

To set a static IP address, you must provide the GPIB-ENET/100 with several important network parameters. These parameters are listed below.

  • IP address—The unique, computer-readable address of a device on your network. An IP address typically is represented as four decimal numbers separated by periods (for example,
  • Subnet mask—A code that helps the network device determine whether another device is on the same network or a different network.
  • Gateway IP—The IP address of a device that acts as a gateway, which is a connection between two networks. If your network does not have a gateway, set this parameter to
  • DNS server—The IP address of a network device that stores hostnames and translates them into IP addresses. If your network does not have a DNS server, set this parameter to

The Add GPIB-ENET/100 Wizard can suggest values for these network parameters based on your computer configuration.

 Click here to run the Add GPIB-ENET/100 Wizard.