IbaEOS (ibask Device Configuration Option)


IbaEOS (ibask Device Configuration Option)

Using this option makes your application break backwards compatibility with older drivers. Consider using IbaEOSchar, IbaEOScmp, IbaEOSrd, and IbaEOSwrt separately instead.

IbaEOS is the current EOS termination mode and character for the device. The lower byte of the value returned is the EOS character. For the upper byte, the third bit flags, terminating the read when EOS is detected, the fourth bit flags, setting EOI with EOS on write functions, and the fifth bit flags, comparing all 8 bits of the EOS byte instead of comparing the lower 7 bits. The following table describes the different EOS configurations:

Value of v
Bit Configuration High Byte Low Byte
A Terminate read when EOS is detected. 00000100 EOS character
B Set EOI with EOS on write function. 00001000 EOS character
C Compare all 8 bits of EOS byte rather than low 7 bits (all read and write calls). 00010000 EOS character