.NET Programming Instructions


.NET Programming Instructions

Before you start using the NI-488.2 .NET API, you will need to add two assembly references to your C#/VB.NET project:

  • NationalInstruments.Common
  • NationalInstruments.NI4882

With the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 or later, you can use NI-488.2 to create applications using Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET with or without Measurement Studio. You need Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 or later for the API documentation to be installed.

The installed documentation contains the NI-488.2 API overview, concepts, and function reference. This help is fully integrated into the Visual Studio .NET documentation.

To view the NI-488.2 .NET documentation, go to Start»Programs»National Instruments»[Measurement Studio]»Measurement Studio Documentation. Under Contents, expand NI Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Class Library»Reference»NationalInstruments.NI4882 to view the function reference.

Expand NI Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Class Library»Using the Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries to view conceptual topics for using NI-488.2 with Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET.

To get to the same help topics from within Visual Studio .NET 2003 or later, go to Help»Contents and expand NI Measurement Studio Help.

For Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET examples, go to Start»Programs»National Instruments»[Measurement Studio]».NET Examples and follow the GPIB shortcut. Refer to the Where to Find Examples topic in the Measurement Studio documentation under NI Measurement Studio Help for more information. The GPIB examples folder and the examples in it are added when you select the .NET Framework Application Support feature in the NI-488.2 Installer for the version of the .NET Framework you have installed.