Entering Punctuations

Microsoft IME

Selecting Punctuations

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Applicable IMEs: Microsoft New Phonetic IME, Microsoft New ChangJie IME and Microsoft New Quick IME


Before completing input and close the Composition Window, you can manually select punctuation symbols if you want to modify any full-width punctuation mark or other symbols. If you cannot find the punctuation mark you want on the keyboard, you can also enter a same type punctuation symbol on the keyboard, and follow the steps to select a punctuation mark from the Candidate list before closing the Composition Window.

  1. Select the full-width punctuation mark by using the right/left arrow keys or mouse. (Note: Some applications don't support mouse operations.)
  2. Press the SPACE or the DOWN arrow key, and the Candidate list appears.
  3. Use number key or mouse to select the correct punctuation mark, or use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select from the Candidate list, and press ENTER to send it out.
Group of the Same Type Punctuation and Symbols
‧ 。 ﹒ . ·
﹐ ﹑ , 、
﹕ : ︰
; ﹔
? ﹖
! ﹗
’ ′ ‵ ‘
” 〃 〝 〞 “
﹙ ( ︵
﹚ ) ︶
﹛ { ︷
﹜ } ︸
『 【 〔 ︹ ︻ ﹁ ﹃ ﹝ 「
』 】 〕 ︺ ︼ ﹂ ﹄ ﹞ 」
《 ︽ ︿ ﹤ < 〈
》 ︾ ﹀ ﹥ > 〉
﹌ ~ ﹋
$ ¢ £ ¥ ﹩ €
% ﹪
# ﹟
& ﹠
※ ╳ ﹡ * ×
⊙ ㊣ ﹫ @ ⊕
◎ ● ○
≠ ≡ ≦ ≧ ﹦ = ≒
﹢ + ±
↗ ↙ ∕ / ÷
↘ ﹨ \ ↖
↓ ∣ ∥ ︱ ︳ ︴ | ↑
ˍ – — ‥ … ← → ╴ ﹉ ﹊ ﹍ ﹎ ﹏ ﹣ - _  ̄ ¯