Advanced Settings

Microsoft IME

Advanced Settings

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You can customize IME options in the Advanced settings, available options vary with different IMEs.

  New Phonetic Phonetic New ChangJie ChangJie New Quick Quick
Use left SHIFT to V V V V V V
Use right SHIFT to V V V V V V
Sentence-final particle conversion V          
Sentence Complete Punctuation V   V   V  
Fuzzy Input V          
Auto Input Switch V          
Input status feedback V   V   V  
Show input reading in candidate list V          
Use ESC key to V   V   V  
Punctuation Input V V V V V V
Leading Key V   V   V  
Toneless key V          
Toneless V          
Warning beep feedback V V V V V V
Use Z key as wildcard     V   V  

Restore defaults:

If there is an inconvenience caused by different settings in IME, click Restore defaults to restore original settings of the program.


Use left SHIFT to:

The option to decide use left SHIFT to toggle conversion mode between Chinese or Alphanumeric or confirm text before insert point, or do nothing.


Toggle conversion mode (Default)

Confirm text before IP


Toggle conversion mode: Use the left SHIFT to switch (Chinese/Alphanumeric) mode.

Confirm text before IP: Use the left SHIFT to confirm text before the insert point in the Composition Window, without being affected by intelligent phrase selecting function.


Use right SHIFT to:

The option to decide use the right SHIFT to toggle conversion between Chinese or Alphanumeric or confirm text before insert point, or do nothing.


Toggle conversion mode (Default)

Confirm text before IP


Toggle conversion mode: Use the left SHIFT to switch (Chinese/Alphanumeric) mode.

Confirm text before IP: Use the left SHIFT to confirm text before the insert point in the Composition Window, without being affected by intelligent phrase selecting function.


Sentence-final particle conversion:

When you type a sentence-final particle at the end of a sentence and a corresponding punctuation, IME will automatically select the correct particle and complete input.


ON (Default)


Please refer to Sentence-Final Particles and Sentence Complete Punctuation for details.


Sentence Complete Punctuation:

The option to decide the confirmation of input when Sentence Complete Punctuation is inputted. If the Sentence Complete Punctuation completes the sentence, the Composition Window will be closed and send the Chinese character to the editor program.



OFF (Default)


Fuzzy Input:

Having trouble distinguishing retroflexs, non-retroflexs, nasals and non-nasals? Fuzzy Input can help you out. This setting will enable the Fuzzy Input function, allowing you to select from the two confusable phonetic symbols such as ㄓㄗ and ㄢㄣ. Microsoft New Phonetic IME will then list relevant phonetic symbols in Candidate list and count them into intelligent phrase selecting.



OFF (Default)

Please refer to Fuzzy Reading for details.


Auto Input Switch:

This setting enables Chinese and English combined input without the need of switching (Chinese/Alphanumeric) mode. You can define some English phrases for which to output the original English text and switch to English mode.


OFF (Default)

Auto input switch rule

Intelligent auto input mode switch

Please refer to Auto Input Switch for details.


Input status feedback:

After a long text string is entered, if the intelligent text selecting function of Microsoft New Phonetic IME determines that the previous input text needs to be changed, it will indicate the text change by Input status feedback. If you want to change it yourself, use arrow keys or pressing the Ctrl key on your keyboard to move the cursor.


ON (Default)


Please refer to Input Status Feedback for details.


Show input reading in candidate list:

display the reading in candidate list for user to input reading symbols instead of Chinese character.


OFF (Default)


HanYu Pinyin

Taiwan Pinyin

Secondary Bopomofo


Use ESC key to:

This setting defines whether ESC key is used to clear text in Composition Window or send the text in Composition Window to the program in use.


Finalize input string

Clear input string (Default)


Punctuation Input:

This setting defines whether to use CTRL + Punctuation key to input punctuation marks.


ON (Default)


Pleaser refer to Selecting Punctuations and Entering Punctuation with Leading Key for details.


Leading Key:

This setting defines the key used as a Leading Key.


` (Default)


With the Leading Key, you can use Leading Key Input and Phrase Input function.


Leading Key Input:

You can use Leading Key to input text in different character encoding (Unicode, Surrogate, Big5), and to input punctuations.


Please refer to Leading Key for details.


Phrase Input:

You can input phrases quickly using Leading Key and the shortcut keys set in User Phrase Tool.


Please refer to Leading Key, Leading Key Setting, Leading Key Changes, Selecting Punctuations, Entering Punctuations and Inputting Full Width Bracket for details.


Toneless Key

You can use one symbol as the Toneless key to replace the first, second, third, fourth and neutral tones for quick input.


OFF (Default)





Please refer to Toneless Input for details.


Toneless input:

When Toneless input is enabled, you can input phonetic symbols and press Space or Enter to output text without entering any tone mark.



OFF (Default)

Note: Toneless input can still be used when Toneless Key is enabled.

Please refer to Toneless Input for details.


Warning beep feedback:

This setting defines whether to warn user of error input with beeps.


ON (Default)



Use Z key as wildcard

If you don't know a radical of certain character when using New ChangJie IME or New Quick IME, use the Z key instead. If the character displayed is not what you want, press DOWN arrow to open the Candidate list, the Candidate list will list all possible characters for you to choose from.


ON (Default)