Returns or sets the data type of the specified query parameter. Read/write XlParameterDataType.
XlParameterDataType can be one of these XlParameterDataType constants. |
xlParamTypeBinary |
xlParamTypeChar |
xlParamTypeDecimal |
xlParamTypeFloat |
xlParamTypeLongVarBinary |
xlParamTypeNumeric |
xlParamTypeSmallInt |
xlParamTypeTimestamp |
xlParamTypeUnknown |
xlParamTypeVarChar |
xlParamTypeBigInt |
xlParamTypeBit |
xlParamTypeDate |
xlParamTypeDouble |
xlParamTypeInteger |
xlParamTypeLongVarChar |
xlParamTypeReal |
xlParamTypeTime |
xlParamTypeTinyInt |
xlParamTypeVarBinary |
xlParamTypeWChar |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
DataType property as it applies to the PivotField object.
Returns a constant describing the type of data in the PivotTable field. Read-only XlPivotFieldDataType.
XlPivotFieldDataType can be one of these XlPivotFieldDataType constants. |
xlDate |
xlNumber |
xlText |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
This example displays the data type of the field named "ORDER_DATE."
Set pvtTable = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A3").PivotTable
Select Case pvtTable.PivotFields("ORDER_DATE").DataType
Case Is = xlText
MsgBox "The field contains text data"
Case Is = xlNumber
MsgBox "The field contains numeric data"
Case Is = xlDate
MsgBox "The field contains date data"
End Select