RemoveItem Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

Removes one or more items from a list box or combo box.

expression.RemoveItem(Index, Count)

expression    An expression that returns a ControlFormat object.

Index    Required Long. The number of the first item to be removed. Valid values are from 1 to the number of items in the list (returned by the ListCount property).

Count    Optional Variant. The number of items to be removed, starting at item Index. If this argument is omitted, one item is removed. If Index + Count exceeds the number of items in the list, all items from Index through the end of the list are removed without an error.


If the specified object has a fill range defined for it, this method fails.

Use the RemoveAllItems method to remove all entries from a Microsoft Excel list box or combo box. Use the Clear method to remove all items from an ActiveX list box or combo box.


This example removes the selected item from a list box. If Shapes(2) doesn’t represent a list box, this example fails.

Set lbcf = Worksheets(1).Shapes(2).ControlFormat
lbcf.RemoveItem lbcf.ListIndex