BreakLink Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

expression.BreakLink(Name, Type)

expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Name   Required String. The name of the link.

Type   Required XlLinkType. The type of link.

XlLinkType can be one of these XlLinkType constants.
xlLinkTypeExcelLinks A link to a Microsoft Excel souce.
xlLinkTypeOLELinks A link to an OLE source.


In this example, Microsoft Excel converts the first link (an Excel link type) in the active workbook. This example assumes at least one formula exists in the active workbook that links to another Excel source.

Sub UseBreakLink()

    Dim astrLinks As Variant

    ' Define variable as an Excel link type.
    astrLinks = ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources(Type:=xlLinkTypeExcelLinks)

    ' Break the first link in the active workbook.
    ActiveWorkbook.BreakLink _
        Name:=astrLinks(1), _

End Sub