Returns or sets the alignment for WordArt. Read/write MsoTextEffectAlignment.
MsoTextEffectAlignment can be one of these MsoTextEffectAlignment constants. |
msoTextEffectAlignmentCentered |
msoTextEffectAlignmentLeft |
msoTextEffectAlignmentLetterJustify |
msoTextEffectAlignmentMixed |
msoTextEffectAlignmentRight |
msoTextEffectAlignmentStretchJustify |
msoTextEffectAlignmentWordJustify |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Alignment property as it applies to the Phonetic, Phonetics, and TickLabels objects.
Returns or sets the alignment for the specified phonetic text or tick label. Read/write Long.
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Phoentic or Phonetics can be one of these XlPhoneticAlignment constants. |
XlPhoneticAlignCenter |
XlPhoneticAlignDistributed |
XlPhoneticAlignLeft |
XlPhoneticAlignNoControl |
TickLabels can be one of these XlHAlign constants. |
XlHAlignCenter |
XlHAlignLeft |
XlHAlignRight |
This example adds a WordArt object to worksheet one and then right aligns the WordArt.
Set mySh = Worksheets(1).Shapes
Set myTE = mySh.AddTextEffect(PresetTextEffect:=msoTextEffect1, _
Text:="Test Text", FontName:="Palatino", FontSize:=54, _
FontBold:=True, FontItalic:=False, Left:=100, Top:=50)
myTE.TextEffect.Alignment = msoTextEffectAlignmentRight