Copy Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

Copies the range to the specified range or to the Clipboard.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a Range object.

Destination   Optional Variant. Specifies the new range to which the specified range will be copied. If this argument is omitted, Microsoft Excel copies the range to the Clipboard.

ShowCopy method as it applies to the ChartArea, ChartObject, ChartObjects, OLEObject, OLEObjects, Point, and Series objects.

Copies the object to the Clipboard. Copies a picture of the point or series to the Clipboard.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

ShowCopy method as it applies to the Chart, Charts, Sheets, Worksheet, and Worksheets objects.

Copies the sheet to another location in the workbook.

expression.Copy(Before, After)

expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

Before   Optional Variant. The sheet before which the copied sheet will be placed. You cannot specify Before if you specify After.

After   Optional Variant. The sheet after which the copied sheet will be placed. You cannot specify After if you specify Before.


If you don't specify either Before or After, Microsoft Excel creates a new workbook that contains the copied sheet.

ShowCopy method as it applies to the Shape object.

Copies the object to the Clipboard.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a Shape object.


ShowCopy method as it applies to the Range object.

This example copies the formulas in cells A1:D4 on Sheet1 into cells E5:H8 on Sheet2.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D4").Copy _

ShowCopy method as it applies to the Chart, Charts, Sheets, Worksheet, and Worksheets objects.

This example copies Sheet1, placing the copy after Sheet3.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy After:=Worksheets("Sheet3")