Speak Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

Causes the cells of the range to be spoken in row order or column order.

expression.Speak(SpeakDirection, SpeakFormulas)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Range object.

SpeakDirection   Optional Variant. The speak direction, by rows or columns.

SpeakFormulas   Optional Variant. True will cause formulas to be sent to the Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine for cells that have formulas. The value is sent if the cells do not have formulas. False (default) will cause values to always be sent to the TTS engine.

ShowSpeak method as it applies to the Speech object.

Microsoft Excel plays back the text string that is passed as an argument.

expression.Speak(Text, SpeakAsync, SpeakXML, Purge)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Speech object.

Text   Required String. The text to be spoken.

SpeakAsync   Optional Variant. True will cause the Text to be spoken asynchronously (the method will not wait of the Text to be spoken). False will cause theText to be spoken synchronously (the method waits for the Text to be spoken before continuing). The default is False.

SpeakXML   Optional Boolean. True will cause the Text to be interpreted as XML. False will cause the Text to not be interpreted as XML, so any XML tags will be read and not interpreted. The default is False.

Purge   Optional Variant. True will cause current speech to be terminated and any buffered text to be purged before Text is spoken. False will not cause the current speech to be terminated and will not purge the buffered text before Text is spoken. The default is False.


In this example, Microsoft Excel speaks "Hello".

Sub UseSpeech()

    Application.Speech.Speak "Hello"

End Sub