LinkInfo Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

expression.LinkInfo(Name, LinkInfo, Type, EditionRef)

expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Name   Optional String.

LinkInfo   Required XlLinkInfo. The type of information to be returned.

XlLinkInfo can be one of these XlLinkInfo constants.
xlUpdateState This method returns 1 if the link updates automatically, or it returns 2 if the link must be updated manually.

Type   Optional XlLinkInfoType. The type of link to return.

XlLinkInfoType can be one of these XlLinkInfoType constants.
xlLinkInfoOLELinks (also handles DDE links)

EditionRef   Optional Variant. If the link is an edition, this argument specifies the edition reference as a string in R1C1 style. This argument is required if there's more than one publisher or subscriber with the same name in the workbook.


This example displays a message box if the link is updated automatically.

If ActiveWorkbook.LinkInfo( _
        "Word.Document|Document1!'!DDE_LINK1", xlUpdateState, _
            xlOLELinks) = 1 Then
    MsgBox "Link updates automatically"
End If