AddCustomList Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

Adds a custom list for custom autofill and/or custom sort.

expression.AddCustomList(ListArray, ByRow)

expression    Required. An expression that returns an Application object.

ListArray    Required Variant. Specifies the source data, as either an array of strings or a Range object.

ByRow    Optional Variant. Only used if ListArray is a Range object. True to create a custom list from each row in the range. False to create a custom list from each column in the range. If this argument is omitted and there are more rows than columns (or an equal number of rows and columns) in the range, Microsoft Excel creates a custom list from each column in the range. If this argument is omitted and there are more columns than rows in the range, Microsoft Excel creates a custom list from each row in the range.


If the list you're trying to add already exists, this method does nothing.


This example adds an array of strings as a custom list.

Application.AddCustomList Array("cogs", "sprockets", _
    "widgets", "gizmos")