UserForm Toolbar
Contains buttons that are shortcuts to some commonly used menu items that are useful for working with forms.
You can click a toolbar button once to carry out the action represented by that button. You can select the Show ToolTips option in the General tab of the Options dialog box if you want to display ToolTips for the toolbar buttons.
Toolbar Buttons
Bring To Front
Moves the selected objects to the front of all other objects on a form.
Send To Back
Moves the selected objects behind all other objects on a form.
Creates a group of the selected objects.
Ungroups the objects that were previously grouped.
Lefts — Aligns the horizontal position of the selected objects, putting the left-most edges in line.
Centers — Aligns the horizontal position of the selected objects, putting the centers in line.
Rights — Aligns the horizontal position of the selected objects, putting the right-most edges in line.
Tops — Aligns the vertical position of the selected objects, putting the tops in line.
Middles — Aligns the vertical position of selected objects, putting the middles in line.
Bottoms — Aligns the vertical position of the selected objects, putting the bottoms in line.
to Grid — Aligns the top left of the selected object to the closest grid. The object is not resized.
Horizontally — Centers the selected objects horizontally.
Vertically — Centers the selected objects vertically.
Make Same Size
Width — Adjusts width.
Height — Adjusts height.
Both — Adjusts both the width and the height.
Reduces or enlarges the display of all controls on the UserForm. You can set any magnification between 10 and 400 percent.