Select Member Command (Edit Menu)

Microsoft Visual Basic User Interface

List Properties/Methods Command (Edit Menu)


Opens a dropdown list box in the Code window that contains the properties and methods available for the object The List Properties/Methods command also displays a list of the globally available methods when the pointer is on a blank space. To have the list box automatically open as you type your code, select Auto List Members on the Editor tab in the Options dialog box.

You can find the property or method you want in the list box by:

  • Typing the name. As you type, the property or method that matches the characters you type is selected and moves to the top of the list.

  • Using the up and down arrow keys to move up and down in the list.

  • Scrolling through the list and selecting the property or method you want.

You can insert the property or method into your statement by:

  • Double-clicking the property or method.

  • Selecting the property or method and pressing TAB to insert the selection or pressing ENTER to insert the selection and move to the next line.

    Note   Objects of the type Variant do not show a list after the period (.).

Toolbar shortcut:   . Keyboard shortcut:  CTRL+J.