Project Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
Use these key combinations in the Project Explorer:
Press | To |
ENTER | Open the selected file from the list, or expand and collapse the list to show its subentries. |
SHIFT+ENTER | Open the Code window for the selected file. |
F7 | Open the Code window for the selected file. |
SHIFT+F10 | View shortcut menu. |
HOME | Select the first file in the list. |
END | Select the last file in the list. |
RIGHT ARROW | Expands a list and then selects a subentry in the list each time you press it. |
LEFT ARROW | Selects a subentry in the list and then moves up the list each time you press it until the subentry list collapses into a folder. |
UP ARROW | Moves up the list one entry at a time. |
DOWN ARROW | Moves down the list one entry at a time. |