Load Picture, Load Icon Dialog Boxes
Loads an existing picture file.
Dialog Box Options
Look in
Select the location of the picture you want to open.
Up One Level
Shows a list of folders or drives one level above the current folder.
Create New Folder
Creates a new folder.
Shows the folders or files in a list format that includes the icon and its name.
Shows the folders or files in a list that includes the icon and name, its size, type, and the date and time it was last modified.
File name
Select or type the name of a picture file you want to open.
List files of type
Select a file type. Files of the selected type appear in the File Name box.
- All Picture Files (*.bmp, *.dib, *.wmf, *.emf, *.ico, *.cur) — Lists all picture files.
- Bitmaps (*.bmp, *.dib) — Lists bitmaps and DIBs.
- Metafiles (*.wmf, *.wmf) — Lists Microsoft Windows Metafiles.
- Icons (*.ico, *.cur)—Lists the icons.
- All Files (*.*) — Lists files of all types.
Opens the selected file.
Closes the dialog box without loading a picture file.
Lists the folders and files on the desktop. The files and folders are displayed in the File Name box.