Visible Property

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant indicating whether the specified object or the formatting applied to the specified object is visible. Read/write.

MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue Not used with this property.
msoFalse The specified object or formatting is not visible.
msoTriStateMixed Return value only. The specified shape range contains both objects with visible formatting and objects with invisible formatting.
msoTriStateToggle Set value only. Toggles the specified object between visible and invisble.
msoTrue The specified object or formatting is visible.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

ShowVisible property as it applies to the Window object.

True if the window is visible. Read/write Boolean.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.


ShowAs it applies to the FillFormat, LineFormat, ShadowFormat, and ThreeDFormat objects.

This example sets the horizontal and vertical offsets for the shadow of shape three on the first page in the active publication. The shadow is offset 5 points to the right of the shape and 3 points above it. If the shape doesn't already have a shadow, this example adds one to it.

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(3).Shadow
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .OffsetX = 5
    .OffsetY = -3
End With

ShowAs it applies to the Window object.

This example hides the Publisher window.

ActiveWindow.Visible = False