PrintablePlates Property

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

PrintablePlates Property

Returns a PrintablePlates collection. Read-only.


expression    Required. An expression that returns an AdvancedPrintOptions object.


The PrintablePlates property is only accessible if the publication is set to print as separations. Returns "Permission Denied" if any other print mode is specified.

The PrintablePlates collection is generated when a publication's print mode is set to separations. The PrintablePlates collection represents the plates that will actually be printed for the publication, based on:

  • The plates (if any) you have defined for the publication
  • The advanced print options specified


The following example returns all the printable plates currently defined for the active publication, and lists selected properties of each. This example assumes that the print mode of the active publication is set to print separations.

    Sub ListPrintablePlates()
    Dim pplTemp As PrintablePlates
    Dim pplLoop As PrintablePlate

    Set pplTemp = ActiveDocument.AdvancedPrintOptions.PrintablePlates
    Debug.Print "There are " & pplTemp.Count & " printable plates in this publication."
    For Each pplLoop In pplTemp
        With pplLoop
            Debug.Print "Printable Plate Name: " & .Name
            Debug.Print "Index: " & .Index
            Debug.Print "Ink Name: " & .InkName
            Debug.Print "Plate Angle: " & .Angle
            Debug.Print "Plate Frequency: " & .Frequency
            Debug.Print "Print Plate?: " & .PrintPlate
        End With
    Next pplLoop
End Sub