MatchKashida Property

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

MatchKashida Property

Sets or returns a Boolean representing whether or not a search operation will match kashidas. Read/write.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a FindReplace object.


This property may not be available depending on the language enabled on your operating system. The default value is False.

Returns Access denied if Arabic is not enabled.


This example finds the first occurrence of the word "مــــحـــمـــــد" in an Arabic document matching kashidas.

      Dim objDocument As Document

Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
With objDocument.Find
    .FindText = "مــــحـــمـــــد"
    .MatchKashida = True
End With


This example follows from the previous one except that kashidas will not be matched. Therefore the words "محمد" or "مــــحـــمـــــد" will both be found because kashidas will be ignored.

      Dim objDocument As Document

Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
With objDocument.Find
    .FindText = "مــــحـــمـــــد"
    .MatchKashida = False
End With