AddEmptyPictureFrame Method

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

AddEmptyPictureFrame Method

Returns a Shape object that represents an empty picture frame inserted at the specified coordinates.

expression.AddEmptyPictureFrame(Left, Top, [Width = -1], [Height = -1])

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Shapes collection.

Left   Required Variant. The position of the left edge of the shape representing the picture.

Top   Required Variant. The position of the top edge of the shape representing the picture.

Width   Required Variant. The width of the shape representing the picture. Default is -1, meaning that the width of the shape is automatically set to 54 points if the parameter is left blank.

Height   Required Variant. The height of the shape representing the picture. Default is -1, meaning that the height of the shape is automatically set to 54 points if the parameter is left blank.


For Left, Top, Width, and Height arguments, numeric values are evaluated in points; strings can be in any units supported by Publisher (for example, "1.5 in").

The blank picture frame has the default ToolTip "Empty Picture Frame". This is changed to "Picture" when an image is selected for the Shape.


This example places an empty picture frame in the center of the first page of the publication and rotates it by 45 degrees. The AlternativeText property is set to "Picture Placeholder 1" for the Web.

      Dim shpPlaceholder As Shape

Set shpPlaceholder = _
    ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddEmptyPictureFrame( _
    230, 320, 150, 150)

With shpPlaceholder
    .AlternativeText = "Picture Placeholder 1"
    .Rotation = 45
End With