AddHorizontalInVertical Method

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

expression.AddHorizontalInVertical(Range, Text)

expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Range   Required TextRange object. The text range at which to insert the horizontal text.

Text   Required String. The text to be horizontally inserted.


This example horizontally inserts the text "horizontal test" after the existing vertical text in shape one on page one of the active publication.

Dim rngTemp As TextRange
Dim fldTemp As Field

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1)
    Set rngTemp = .TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter("")

    Set fldTemp = .TextFrame.TextRange.Fields _
        .AddHorizontalInVertical(Range:=rngTemp, Text:="horizontal test")
End With