Add Method

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

Adds a new Column object to the specified Columns object and returns the new Column object.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a Columns object.

BeforeColumn   Optional Long. The number of the column before which to insert the new column. If this argument is omitted, the new column is added after the existing columns. An error occurs if the value of this argument does not correspond to an existing column in the table.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the Hyperlinks object.

Adds a new Hyperlink object to the specified Hyperlinks object and returns the new Hyperlink object.

expression.Add(Text, Address, RelativePage, PageID, TextToDisplay)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Hyperlinks object.

Text   Required TextRange object. The text range to be converted into a hyperlink.

Address   Optional String. The address of the new hyperlink. If RelativePage is pbHlinkTargetTypeURL (default) or pbHlinkTargetTypeEmail, Address    must be specified or an error occurs.

RelativePage   Optional PbHlinkTargetType. The type of hyperlink to add.

PbHlinkTargetType can be one of these PbHlinkTargetType constants.
pbHlinkTargetTypeNone Not supported.
pbHlinkTargetTypeURL default

PageID   Optional Long. The page ID of the destination page for the new hyperlink. If RelativePage    is pbHlinkTargetTypePageID, PageID    must be specified or an error occurs. The page ID corresponds to the PageID property of the destination page.

TextToDisplay   Optional String. The display text of the new hyperlink. If specified, TextToDisplay replaces the text range specified by the Text argument.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the MailMergeFilters object.

Adds a new filter criterion to the specified MailMergeFilters object.

expression.Add(Column, Comparison, Conjunction, bstrCompareTo, DeferUpdate)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a MailMergeFilters object.

Column   Required String. The name of the table in the data source.

Comparison   Required MsoFilterComparison. How the data in the table is filtered.

MsoFilterComparison can be one of these MsoFilterComparison constants.

Conjunction   Required MsoFilterConjunction. Determines how this filter relates to other filters in the MailMergeFilters object.

MsoFilterConjunction can be one of these MsoFilterConjunction constants.

bstrCompareTo   Optional String. If the Comparison argument is something other than msoFilterComparisonIsBlank or msoFilterComparisonIsNotBlank, a string to which the data in the table is compared.

DeferUpdate   Optional Boolean. True to queue the filters and apply them when the ApplyFilter method is called. False to apply the filter condition immediately. Default is False.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the MasterPages object.

Adds a new Page object to the specified MasterPages object and returns the new Page object.

expression.Add([IsTwoPageMaster], [Abbreviation], [Description],)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a MasterPages object.

IsTwoPageMaster   Optional Boolean. True if the master page will be part of a two page spread.

Abbreviation   Optional String. The abbreviation, or short name, for the master page. An error occurs if this is not unique.

Description   Optional String. The description for the master page.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the Pages object.

Adds a new Page object to the specified Pages object and returns the new Page object.

expression.Add(Count, After, [DuplicateObjectsOnPage], [AddHyperlinkToWebNavBar])

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Pages object.

Count   Required Long. The number of new pages to add.

After   Required Long. The page index of the page after which to add the new pages. A zero for this argument adds new pages at the beginning of the publication.

DuplicateObjectsOnPage   Optional Long. The page index of the page from which objects should be copied to the new pages. If this argument is omitted, the new pages will be blank.

AddHyperlinkToWebNavBar   Optional Boolean. Specifies whether links to the new pages will be added to the automatic navigation bars of existing pages. If True, links to the new pages will be added to the automatic navigation bars of existing pages only. If False, links to the new pages will not be added to the automatic navigation bars of existing pages or new pages added in the future. Default is False.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the Plates object.

Adds a new color plate to the specified Plates object.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a Plates object.

PlateColor   Optional ColorFormat object. The color settings to apply to the new plate.


If the ColorMode property of the specified publication is not pbColorModeSpot or pbColorModeSpotAndProcess, an error occurs.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the Rows object.

Adds a new Row object to the specified Rows object and returns the new Row object.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a Rows object.

BeforeRow   Optional Long. The number of the row before which to insert the new row. If this argument is omitted, the new row is added after the existing rows. An error occurs if the value of this argument does not correspond to an existing row in the table.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the RulerGuides object.

Adds a new ruler guide to the specified RulerGuides object.

expression.Add(Position, Type)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a RulerGuides object.

Position   Required Variant. The position relative to the left edge or top edge of the page where the new ruler guide will be added. Numeric values are evaluated in points; strings are evaluated in the units specified and can be in any measurement unit supported by Microsoft Publisher (for example, "2.5 in").

Type   Required PbRulerGuideType. The type of ruler guide to add.

PbRulerGuideType can be one of these PbRulerGuideType constants.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the TabStops object.

Adds a new tab stop to the specified TabStops object.

expression.Add(Position, Alignment, Leader)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a TabStops object.

Position   Required Variant. The horizontal position of the new tab stop relative to the left edge of the text frame. Numeric values are evaluated in points; strings are evaluated in the units specified and can be in any measurement unit supported by Microsoft Publisher (for example, "2.5 in").

Alignment   Required PbTabAlignmentType. The alignment setting for the tab stop.

PbTabAlignmentType can be one of these PbTabAlignmentType constants.

Leader   Required PbTabLeaderType. The type of leader for the tab stop.

PbTabLeaderType can be one of these PbTabLeaderType constants.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the Tags object.

Adds a new Tag object to the specified Tags object and returns the new Tag object.

expression.Add(Name, Value)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Tags object.

Name   Required String. The name of the tag to add. If a tag already exists with the same name, an error occurs.

Value   Required Variant. The value to assign to the tag.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the TextStyles object.

Adds a new TextStyle object to the specified TextStyles object and returns the new TextStyle object.

expression.Add(Font, ParagraphFormat, StyleName, BasedOn)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a TextStyles object.

StyleName   Required String. The name of the new text style. If the name matches an existing text style, the existing text style is overwritten.

BasedOn   Optional String. The name of the text style on which the new text style is based. If the name does not match an existing text style, an error occurs.

Font   Optional Font object. The font settings to apply to the new text style.

ParagraphFormat   Optional ParagraphFormat object. The paragraph formatting to apply to the new text style.

ShowAdd method as it applies to the WebHiddenFields object.

Adds a new hidden field to a Web form and returns a Long indicating the number of the new field in the WebHiddenFields collection. New fields are always placed at the end of the current field list.

expression.Add(Name, Value)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a WebHiddenFields object.

Name   Required String. The name of the new field.

Value   Required String. The value of the new field.


ShowAs it applies to the Columns object.

The following example adds a column before column three in the specified table.

Dim colNew As Column

Set colNew = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1) _

ShowAs it applies to the Hyperlinks object.

The following example adds hyperlinks to shapes one and two on page one of the active publication. The first hyperlink points to an external website, and the second link points to the fourth page in the publication. Shapes one and two must be text boxes and there must be at least four pages in the publication for this example to work.

Dim hypNew As Hyperlink
Dim lngPageID As Long
Dim strPage As String

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame
    Set hypNew = .TextRange.Hyperlinks.Add(Text:=.TextRange, _
        Address:="", _
End With

lngPageID = ActiveDocument.Pages(4).PageID
strPage = "Go to page " _
    & Str(ActiveDocument.Pages(4).PageNumber)

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame
    Set hypNew = .TextRange.Hyperlinks.Add(Text:=.TextRange, _
        RelativePage:=pbHlinkTargetTypePageID, _
        PageID:=lngPageID, _
End With

ShowAs it applies to the MasterPages object.

The following example adds a new master page to the active document.

ActiveDocument.MasterPages.Add _
    IsTwoPageMaster:=False, _
    Abbreviation:="X", _
    Description:="Master Page X"


ShowAs it applies to the Pages object.

The following example adds four new pages after the first page in the publication and copies all the objects from the first page to the new pages.

Dim pgNew As Page

Set pgNew = ActiveDocument.Pages _
    .Add(Count:=4, After:=1, DuplicateObjectsOnPage:=1)

The following example demonstrates adding two new pages to the publication and setting the AddHyperlinkToWebNavBar parameter to True for these two pages. This specifies that links to these two new pages be added to the automatic navigation bars of existing pages and those added in the future.

Another page is then added to the publication, and the AddHyperlinkToWebNavBar is omitted. This means that the IncludePageOnNewWebNavigationBars property is False for the newly added page, and links to this page will not be included in the automatic navigation bars of existing pages.

Dim thePage As page
Dim thePage2 As page

Set thePage = ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(Count:=2, _
    After:=4, AddHyperlinkToWebNavBar:=True)

Set thePage2 = ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(Count:=1, After:=6)

ShowAs it applies to the Plates object.

The following example adds a color plate to the active publication if it is a spot-color publication.

If ActiveDocument.ColorMode = pbColorModeSpot Then
End If

ShowAs it applies to the Rows object.

The following example adds a row before row three in the specified table.

Dim rowNew As Row

Set rowNew = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1) _

ShowAs it applies to the RulerGuides object.

The following example adds ruler guides to page one that are 0.5 inches from the left and top edges of the page.

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).RulerGuides
    .Add Position:="0.5 in", Type:=pbRulerGuideTypeHorizontal
    .Add Position:="0.5 in", Type:=pbRulerGuideTypeVertical
End With

ShowAs it applies to the TabStops object.

The following example adds a new left-aligned tab stop 0.5 inches from the left edge of the specified text frame.

ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame _
    .TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Tabs _
    .Add Position:="0.5 in", _
    Alignment:=pbTabAlignmentLeading, _

ShowAs it applies to the Tags object.

The following example adds a tag to shape one on page one of the active publication.

Dim tagNew As Tag

Set tagNew = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).Tags _
    .Add(Name:="required", Value:="yes")

ShowAs it applies to the TextStyles object.

The following example adds a new text style to the active publication based on the Normal text style.

Dim tsNew As TextStyle

Set tsNew = ActiveDocument.TextStyles _
    .Add(StyleName:="Title", BasedOn:="Normal")

ShowAs it applies to the WebHiddenFields object.

The following example adds a new hidden field to the specified Web command button control. Shape one on page one of the active publication must be a Web command button control for this example to work.

ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1) _
    .WebCommandButton.HiddenFields _
    .Add Name:="subject", Value:="service request"