HasTransparencyColor Property

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

HasTransparencyColor Property

Returns a Boolean that indicates whether a transparency color has been applied to the specified picture. Read-only.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a PictureFormat object.


The following example returns a list of the pictures with transparency colors in the active publication.

    Sub ListPicturesWithTransColors()
Dim pgLoop As Page
Dim shpLoop As Shape

    For Each pgLoop In ActiveDocument.Pages
        For Each shpLoop In pgLoop.Shapes
            If shpLoop.Type = pbPicture Or shpLoop.Type = pbLinkedPicture Then
                With shpLoop.PictureFormat
                    If .IsEmpty = msoFalse Then
                        If .HasTransparencyColor = True Then
                            Debug.Print .Filename
                        End If
                    End If
                End With
            End If
        Next shpLoop
    Next pgLoop

End Sub