AutoUpdate Property

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

AutoUpdate Property

True if all pages will be added to the specified Web navigation bar set and that adding new pages will update the navigation bar with a corresponding item. Pages must have the AddHyperlinkToWebNavbar set to True or WebPageOptions.IncludePageOnNewWebNavigationBars property set to True to be added or updated within the specified WebNavigationBarSet. Read/write Boolean.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a WebNavigationBarSet object.


This property determines whether or not the existing pages in the publication will be added to the navigation bar and if added pages will also be updated. These pages must be marked with the AddHyperlinkToWebNavbar set to True or WebPageOptions.IncludePageOnNewWebNavigationBars property set to True to be added or updated within the specified WebNavigationBarSet. Changing this setting does not change the number of items in the bar, it just determines whether or not new pages will be added. By setting this value to False it is possible to design specific navigation bars for specific content pages in a Web site that do not contain all of the available hyperlinks in the publication.

The default value is True.


The following example adds a new Web navigation bar set to the active document with text style buttons and auto update set to False so that page links will not be added or new pages automatically updated in the navigation bar, then the Web navigation bar is added to the first page of the publication.

    Dim objWebNav As WebNavigationBarSet
Set objWebNav = ActiveDocument.WebNavigationBarSets.AddSet(Name:="newBar")
With objWebNav
    .AutoUpdate = False
    .ButtonStyle = pbnbButtonStyleText
End With
ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddWebNavigationBar _
    Name:="newBar", Left:=10, Top:=10