VerticalBaseLineSpacing Property

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

VerticalBaseLineSpacing Property

Returns a Single that represents the vertical baseline spacing of the specified LayoutGuides object. Read/write.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a LayoutGuides object.


When setting the layout guide properties of a Page object it must be returned from the MasterPages collection.


This example sets the vertical baseline spacing of the LayoutGuides object to 12 for the second master page in the active document.

    Dim objLayout As LayoutGuides
Set objLayout = ActiveDocument.MasterPages(2).LayoutGuides
objLayout.VerticalBaseLineSpacing = 12 


This example sets the vertical baseline spacing of the active document's layout guides to 20, affecting only the first master page.

      Dim objLayout As LayoutGuides
Set objLayout = ActiveDocument.LayoutGuides
objLayout.VerticalBaseLineSpacing = 20