LineSpacingRule Property

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

that represents the line spacing for the specified paragraphs. Read/write.

PbLineSpacingRule can be one of these PbLineSpacingRule constants.
pbLineSpacing1pt5 Sets paragraph line spacing to a line and a half.
pbLineSpacingDouble Sets paragraph line spacing to two lines.
pbLineSpacingExactly Sets paragraph line spacing to exactly the value of the LineSpacing property, even if a larger font is used within the paragraph.
pbLineSpacingMixed A return value for a paragraph that has line spacing of varying values.
pbLineSpacingMultiple A LineSpacing property value must be specified, in number of lines.
pbLineSpacingSingle Sets paragraph line spacing to one space.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example formats the paragraph at the cursor position to double spacing.

Sub SetLineSpacing()
        .LineSpacingRule = pbLineSpacingDouble
End Sub