13. MFC Tips, Tricks, and Caveats

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

NEW!! 13.1.5.    Alternative to the TRACE macro
13.2.  Application Specific Questions
13.2.1.    How can I create an application that is initially maximized?
13.2.2.    How do I limit my MFC application to one instance?
13.2.3.    How do I get my MFC app to use the Registry on Win32 platforms?
13.2.4.    How do I programmatically terminate my MFC application?
13.3.  Thread Related Questions
13.3.1.    How do I perform background processing in my application?
13.3.2.    How do I send a message to another thread?
13.4. MFC on other Platforms       
13.4.1.    Is MFC available on the Macintosh?
13.4.2.    Is MFC available on OS/2?
13.5.  Miscellaneous
13.5.1.    Is MFC DEAD?
13.5.2.    Does ATL replace MFC?
13.5.3.    Will the next version of MFC support [some particular feature]?
13.5.4.    Does Microsoft use MFC in their Products? Which ones?
13.5.5.    How should I learn / start-learning MFC?
13.5.6.    What's the best way to convert my C Window's app to MFC?
13.5.7.    Why is my MFC application running slow?
13.5.8.    What is AFX.INL and AFXWIN1.INL, etc..?
13.5.9.    What the heck is this  _t() thing I keep seeing?
13.5.10.  How do I use CMemoryState?
13.5.11.  How do I customize the MFC idle time processing?
13.5.12.  How do I display a "Choose directory" dialog, instead of a "Choose file" dialog?
13.5.13.  I'm having problems using MFC 4.0 and the STL, what could be wrong?
NEW!! 13.5.14.  What is MFC's Y2K compliance for CTimeSpan, COleDateTimeSpan, CTime, and COleDateTime?