3.8. MFC 3.1
MFC 3.1 shipped with Visual C++ 2.1 in 1/95. It introduced MAPI, WinSock and Windows Common Controls. The MFC toolbar, status bar, etc.. still live in MFC. This is the latest release out. It is a 32-bit release.
NOTE: Only available via MSVC subscription.
Classes Added in MFC 3.1:
MAPI: [Note that MAPI support was added to CDocument, no new classes]
- CDocument::OnFileSendMail
- CDocument::OnUpdateFileSendMail
- COleDocument::OnFileSendMail
Windows Common Controls Classes: [All of these are CWnd derived]
- CAnimateCtrl
- CHeaderCtrl
- CHotkeyCtrl
- CImageList
- CListCtrl
- CProgressCtrl
- CSliderCtrl
- CSpinButtonCtrl
- CStatusBarCtrl
- CTabCtrl
- CToolBarCtrl
- CToolTipCtrl
- CTreeCtrl
WinSock Support:
- CAsyncSocket
- CSocket