Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes Documentation
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Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes
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2.7. Technical Support
Microsoft MSVC Technical Support
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Table of contents
Welcome to MFC FAQ Version 5.6
Release Notes
What's New in the MFC FAQ?
Want to learn more about MFC?
1. MFC FAQ Info and Credits
1.1. How do I get this FAQ?
1.2. What's the goal of this FAQ?
1.3. Why are you doing this?
1.4. How can I contribute?
1.5. How is this different from the MSVC MFC FAQ?
1.6. Other languanges
1.7. Credits
2. MFC/VC++ Resource Guide
2.1. Microsoft
2.2. Internet
2.3. CompuServe
2.4. Printed Matter
2.5. Trade Shows
2.6. Users Groups
2.7. Technical Support
2.8. MFC/VC++ Related Companies
3. A Brief History of MFC
3.1. What version of MFC am I using?
3.2. Pre-MFC 1.0
3.3. MFC 1.0
3.4. MFC 2.0
3.5. MFC 2.1
3.6. MFC 2.5
3.7. MFC 3.0
3.8. MFC 3.1
3.9. MFC 3.2
3.10. MFC 4.0
3.11. MFC 4.1
3.12. MFC 4.2
3.13. Table of MFC Releases
4. Exception Handling
4.1. CException - Exceptions and Exception-handling
5. GDI Class Questions
5.1. CDC
5.2. CBitmap
6. Window, Control, and Dialog Questions
6.1. Windows
6.2. CSplitterWnd FAQs
6.3. Controls
6.4. Windows Common Controls
6.5. Dialogs
7. Toolbars, Status Bars, and Dialog Bars
7.1. How do I add a combobox to my toolbar?
7.2. How do I update the text of a pane in a status bar?
7.3. How do I make my CToolBar customizable at run-time?
7.4. How do I turn off the toolbar or status bar?
7.5. How do I create a toolbar/statusbar in a dialog?
7.6. Controls not support by MFC
8. Documents, Views, and Frames
8.2. Docuemnts
9. Menu's and Message Handling
9.1. Menus
9.2. Message Handling
10. OLE Class Questions
10.1. Structured Storage and Compound Files
10.2. OLE Controls
11. WOSA Class Questions
11.1. CRecordset
11.2. WinSock
12. DLL and Build Questions
12.1. Do I need a CWinApp object in a DLL?
12.2. How should I define the WEP in a MFC DLL?
12.3. How do I build an 'extension DLL'?
12.4. How can I manage resources in a resource only DLL?
12.5. Problems with DLL's
12.6. What DLL's should I distribute with my MFC app?
13. MFC Tips, Tricks, and Caveats
13.1. Macro Questions
13.2. Application Specific Questions
13.3. Thread Related Questions
13.4. MFC on other Platforms
13.5. Miscellaneous
14. Wizard Questions
14.1. How do I change the AppWizard options I selected for my app?
15. Visual C++ Questions
15.1. Windows 95 Questions
15.2. Configuration Questions
15.3. Language Feature Questions
15.4. Religious Questions
15.5. Advanced Visual C++ Tips and Tricks
15.6. Misc. Visual C++ Questions
15.7. Visual C++/MFC 4.0 specific hints, problems, etc...?
16. Third Party MFC Products
17. MFC FAQ Revision History
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