15.1. Windows 95 questions

Microsoft Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Classes

15.1. Windows 95 Questions

15.1.1. I'm running MSVC 2.0 and I can't get Windows 95 look and feel in my dialogs, what's wrong?

In MSVC 2.0, go to the Project/Options dialog, select "Linker" and change the linker command line to include: /subsystem:windows,4.0 This is the default in MSVC 2.1.

Chris Marriott, [email protected], 5/25/95, via programmer.misc

15.1.2. When I compile under Windows 95, it flashes in and out of DOS mode.

Remove or rename any dosprmpt.pif files in your win95 and windows directories. If this doesn't work, do the same with all pif files.

[email protected], 5/25/95

In the Win95\system directory there is a pif for Conagent. It is this pif file that a person has to change to Window screen mode instead of Full Screen mode. Worked like a charm on mine after running about a month with the screen blanking...

[email protected], email, 7/16/95

15.1.3. Can MSVC 1.5 or 2.0 be used for Windows 95?

You can run both versions under Windows 95. Visual C++ 1.5x can ONLY generate 16-bit applications. You 'can' run these on Windows 95, but it's more desirable to have true 32-bit applications, which MSVC 2.0 generates. These same rules apply to NT.

[email protected] 6/5/95